Private Breathwork Sessions in San Diego, CA 

Looking for a powerful tool to help you heal and transform your life? Look no further than the Somatic Three Part Circular Breathwork sessions with Suzanne Lederer. Suzanne offers personalized one-on-one sessions in person and online. They are tailored to your needs and goals.

This type of Somatic body work and Three Part Circular Breathwork is a powerful technique involving controlled breathing to help break up energetic blockages, release stored emotions in the body, and rewire the mind, allowing you to connect more deeply with yourself, your body and experience greater peace and well-being.


Why try this type of Three Part Circular Breathwork?

Many of us have tried different healing modalities but still feel stuck. Many of the limitations we place on ourselves, are created from within. Our limitations and conditioning can keep us stuck because they are safe and familiar. They can illicit fear, anxiety, depression, grief, anger, unhealthy behaviors, and doubt of who we are in the world and the space we deserve to take up, keeping us stuck in a fixed mindset of beliefs. It’s not just our minds that store our conditioning; our body does too. You have to slow down your mind so you can get into your body to heal. This is why Breathwork is so critical to the healing process. If we drop out of controlling the mind and feel safe in the body, unprocessed emotions will move, limitations will be healed uncovering the possibility that lives within you! We don’t have to do anything but breathe, welcome it, versus resist it. Healing will then happen!!

Private Breathwork Sessions are for you if.

  • You desire to get into your body.

  • You are ready to release stuck emotional energy, uncover your limiting beliefs and core wounds, and rewire the subconscious.

  • You are ready to confront with compassion and kindness what arises in you versus turning away, being with the uncomfortable sensations and emotions, and learning to stay in your body so it can move through.

  • You swirl in your mind and have difficulty opening up your heart and feeling your emotions. 

  • To learn where your needs were not met as a child and how that formed you, learning how to rescue them and bring them into wholeness

  • You are ready to do the work and dedicate 20-30 minutes daily to healing, bringing lasting change and not a quick fix! 

  • Learn about your nervous system and develop a toolbox of regulation tools. 

If you're ready to go inward, be in your body and let go of what is no longer serving you, book your first session today! 

What To Expect From a Private Breathwork Session 

When you have a 60 minute one-on-one Somatic Three Part Circular Breathwork session with Suzanne, you can expect a supportive and safe environment where you can feel free to explore your emotions, sensations in the body from those emotions and connect with your inner self.

Your session will be 60 minutes, typically beginning with a discussion of how you are coming in and what your goals and intentions are for the session. Suzanne will go over the breathe practice, what to expect physically and mentally and tailor the breathwork session around what the body is doing, coming up for you and what she feels you need. You will end the breath session with a juicy rest period and journaling. When investing in a package, Suzanne will discuss the nervous system and regulation tools with you for further healing. You will develop your own morning, midday, and evening practices. 

Throughout the session, Suzanne will provide guidance and support, asking questions as needed, helping you to feel safe and comfortable as you explore your emotions and inner landscape. She may use different somatic tools in the process. By the end of your session, you have broken up energetic blockages, cleared emotions that have been trapped in the physical body and rewired the mind for long term positive change.

Investment :

Sessions are, 60 minutes & take place over zoom or in person in the neighborhood of Hillcrest. I do not accept insurance at this time.

  • One Session : $139. For access to my calendar & to book your session click here..

  • Three session package: $392 ($130.67 a session). For access to my calendar & to book your first session click here.

  • Five session package: $600 ($120 a session). For access to my calendar & to book your first session click here. If you want to do a 5 session package but paying it all at once would be a struggle then please let me know by sending me an email click here.

  • Have questions or just unsure if Somatic Therapy & Three Part Circular Breathwork is for you, book a 30 min FREE Discovery call and I can answer any questions you have. Click here to book!

**I know my value and my desire is that this work be accesibe to whoever is interested. Most somatic/breathwork practitioners charge $150-275. If you make $50,000 or less a year, please let me know.

**Breathwork is a powerful tool and needs to be facilitated very mindfully with intentional awareness of dissociation and disconnection. So having a guide that is trained with a trauma-informed lens is critical.

Read More About Breathwork 

Are you interested in learning more about this breathwork technique and its benefits? Visit our "About Breathwork" page.