Receive the Gift of Breath!

I had an experience that happened 10 months ago and it kept coming up despite the work I did around it. I felt something was unresolved. I finally realized through Breathwork and my coach this situation reminded my body of something that happened in 2010 that I never dealt with and my body was not ready to reveal it until now.

I had to sit with the common denominator of these 2 situations. The situation that happened 10 months ago was a trigger of this old stuff that had not been processed long ago, that finally came to revelation through my body.

I am in gratitude for this revelation so my body doesn’t have to carry it anymore. The most important piece is clearing this of my system, untying the knots, so I can see clearly the situation that happened 10 months ago.

Every time something in our life occurs that triggers the same unprocessed emotion, if we don’t know how to self regulate and let the emotion complete itself another knot occurs in your fascial tissue. So that knot gets really really big. It wants to complete itself but it can’t. When this occurs you get a back up like a clog in a plumbing drain and nothing can get through. Eventually the knot becomes so big in are fascial tissue that it can create physical pain. The goal is not to pull the whole knot out at once which would flood your nervous system. The goal is a little bit at a time. One knot at a time. That is safe and intentional. This is regulation and neuroscience calls it titration. Little bit at a time so we can process the emotional energy that is stuck. When people say why am I still experiencing anxiety I have done so much healing then you must still have a little bit of a knot there.

We all have unprocessed emotional energy stuck in our body and we don’t need to know the story to untie the knots.

So how do I begin to untie the knots? You first have to learn to self-regulate. Regulation is the ability to bring the nervous system into balance.

When you find yourself triggered or activated: anger, rage, overwhelm, hyper vigilance, anxiety, panic, fear, feeling of being stuck, depressed…

  1. Circular Breathing - inhale and exhale with mouth slightly open, imaging breath traveling up the back body as you inhale, and down the front body as you exhale. No pause at top or bottom, creating a circular flow of breath, just like an ocean wave. Do this for 3 minutes to start working up to 10.

  2. 7 Deep Cleansing breaths - inhale through nose (longer inhale), audible exhale

  3. Yoga pose: legs up the wall for 10 minutes taking deep breaths

As you are doing the self-regulating tools say loving words to yourself and let the emotions come, “You are safe and I hear you, it is not your fault, I release any shame or blame, I release the responsibility of things that were never mine to carry….”

This is how you increase your resilience to the activation and start untying the knots.

Circular Breathwork is a HUGE piece in moving the unprocessed emotional energy… untying the knots.

Take advantage of the opportunity in a group or private session!

How to do Circular Breathing: A Step-by-Step Guide

How to do Circular Breathing: A Step-by-Step Guide